Thrift Store
Edgecomb Community Church 15 Cross Point Road, Edgecomb, ME, United StatesThrift Store open 9-1.
Thrift Store open 9-1.
Come join us for a potluck supper to meet the new pastor Aram Mitchell on Saturday, July 13, at 5 p.m. Bring your favorite dish and plan on visiting with friends and neighbors while welcoming Aram and his bride-t0-be Emma. Dinner will be served in the Edgecomb Community Church's Fellowship Hall.
Edgecomb Community Church will be holding a special Sunday service in honor of Edgecomb's 250th Anniversary. The service begins at 9:30 a.m. with guest speaker Aram Mitchell. Music will be played by pianist Joseph Cough, Jr. An ice cream social will follow the service in Fellowship Hall at 10:30 a.m.
Join us for a free lunch at noon. Donations accepted. Come join the fun with friends and neighbors as they meet for a meal in a small local church with a big heart.
Thrift Store open 9-1.
Busy Hands Meeting 1-3 at the church fellowship hall.
Thrift Store open 9-1.
Thrift Store open 9-1.