I have been a member of the Edgecomb Community Church since 1980 when I first joined the choir and later got married that same year. I first got involved with this church when I was a young child serving lemonade and water at the summer suppers. Back then I was just a summer visitor but was asked by then supper coordinator Alice Boardway to help out along with her daughter who was my age. We had great fun and I learned early on the importance of community and the great feeling of helping others.
Now, more than 40 years on, I still feel this sense of strong community and connection. This church has remained constant in its mission to welcome and care for anyone. As Jesus said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
The members of this church are always so warm and welcoming; their care for one another has kept me here. The mission outreach has always been a strong point as well. We even traveled to Kentucky as a family with a group of church members to help build and repair housing for low-income residents.
Leadership and members change, but the core of the church’s relationship and commitment to this community remains constant. We need this sense of community more than ever these days as people struggle to look beyond just thinking of themselves.
I have served as choir member, deacon, church coordinator, newsletter editor and cook as well as helper whenever needed. I have been honored to serve this church for over 40 years, and I hope to continue in whatever way I am able. I wholeheartedly recommend anyone looking to get involved in some meaningful way to join this small and hugely impactful church.
My best regards,
Marjorie DiVece