Sunday Worship

Worship at Edgecomb Community Church is an opportunity to come home together in as a community of faith. After a busy week, Sunday morning is time we offer to ourselves, to God, and to one another. When we gather to worship it is a chance to find belonging and a peace that the world cannot give.

We gather every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. to worship God. The service lasts approximately one hour. We will always hear a reading from the Bible, pray and sing together and we will almost always have a sermon to discern God’s still small voice.  

Our worship services are also live-streamed at 9:30 a.m. on YouTube.  To watch our live Sunday service , click here

You may also see past services by clicking here.

In the United Church of Christ, we celebrate two sacraments, communion and baptism. We share communion on the first Sunday of the month, and people of any age or religious preference are welcome to partake. We baptize people of all ages, from infants through the elderly into the Way of Jesus. If you have been baptized in any Christian tradition, we acknowledge and affirm your baptism.

Coffee hour is held following each Sunday Service.  This is a great time to enjoy fellowship with other members, enjoy a cup of coffee and some wonderful homemade treats.  The church is also handicap accessible with a separate entrance to the lower level.

Visiting Pulpit Supply Ministers will be filling in for the next three months while the Search Committee is working towards hiring a new minister. Come listen to these wonderful learned Christian leaders:

October 1—Rev. Charlene Corbett

October 8—Rev. Dr. Janet Peck

October 15—Rev. Charlene Corbett

October 22—Rev. Charlene Corbett

October 29—Rev. Dr Janet Peck

November 5—Rev. Charlene Corbett

November 12—Rev. Dr. Janet Peck

November 19—Rev. Charlene Corbett

November 26—Rev. Don Bizer

December 3, 10 & 17 —Rev.Dr. Janet Peck

December 24—Christmas Eve Service only — Church Deacons