Mission & Outreach
Serve the Church & Our Neighbors
A great way to feel connected and to make friends is to do something you love that supports the ministries of the church.
Tuesday Lunch
These meals offer our community residents a chance to gather for social interaction that might not otherwise happen.
Community Meals
Edgecomb Community Church offers the occasional sub sale and take-out dinner to its friends and neighbors, while raising funds for its mission efforts.
Busy Hands
From baby blankets for Mid Coast Hospital, lap robes for Togus VA Hospital, hats for soldiers, prayer shawls to comfort friends and neighbors, cotton hand mitts for the ElderCare Network of Lincoln County and beyond, our Busy Hands group is open to everyone.
5-Mile Yard Sale
Join us at this year’s Cross Point Road yard sale on Saturday, August 10, 2024.
Thrift Shop
The Thrift Shop, located in the lower level of the Edgecomb Community Church, is a great place to shop for all your household and clothing needs.