Sunday School
Although Edgecomb Community Church does not currently have an active Sunday School, we are pleased to work with parents and their children to help teach our young people about the love God has for each one of them. In the past the focus of our Sunday School was to create a nurturing and caring space in which each child can share their spiritual questions and prayers for their family, friends, and world. We teach Bible stories that speak of God’s love, forgiveness, hope, patience, humility and kindness. Our hope is to help the children to know and experience the love of Jesus Christ found in their hearts.
Our Sunday school runs from early September through Youth & Children’s Sunday in June. Most Sundays the children begin by worshipping in the sanctuary, until the Children’s Message, then go to their class. On the first Sunday of the month, Communion Sunday, the children remain at worship with their families and participate in worship.
During the year, the Sunday school youth and children visit with our neighbors at the Edgecomb Green to deliver Christmas cookies and to sing Carols, and on Valentine’s Day to play Bingo. The youth and children also participate in the Spring Habitat for Humanity Walk, serve a special luncheon at the church for the residents of “The Greens”, and help lead worship on Youth & Children’s Sunday. During the summer months there are special activities planned for children during worship.
Sunday school for the children is held during worship.
Worship begins at 9:30 a.m.